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MacOS Executable  |  1997-10-23  |  127KB

This file was processed as: MacOS Executable (executable/macOSExecutable).

You can browse this item here: Slippy(fat)-E

Program Identifications
ConfidenceProgramIdentificationMatch Type
100% dexvert MacOS Executable (macOSExecutable) magic
10% dexvert MacBinary (macBinary) fallback
1% dexvert MacOS PPC PEF Executable (macPPCPEFExe) magic
100% file MacBinary II, inited, bundle, Wed Oct 22 20:00:00 1997, modified Wed Oct 22 20:00:00 1997, creator 'slpy', type application, 40592 bytes "Slippy(fat)-E" default
99% file header for PowerPC PEF executable, at 0x9f10 86290 bytes resource default
98% file header for PowerPC PEF executable default
97% file data default
74% TrID Macintosh Application (MacBinary) default
25% TrID MacBinary 2 default